Pass the crown Essence Festival

Wearing your natural hair should not be a cause of your stress.

Soul Balm Sisters mission is to create great experiences for the community we serve. So it breaks my heart to know that this type of discrimination is still happening. 

Did you know that if a black man or woman decides to wear their natural hair or hairstyles such as braids, locs, twists, Bantu knots, or Afros to work or school, they are at risk of being fired or sent home? For Black people in the United States, choosing to wear their hair naturally can have financial consequences.
Unfortunately, beauty for some in the United States needs to be protected by legislation.

In 43 states across the U.S., hair discrimination remains a source of racial injustice with severe economic consequences for us.

The C.O.W.N Act is a law that prohibits race-based hair discrimination and corrects racial injustices by making hair discrimination illegal. 

On March 18, 2022, the federal CROWN Act bill passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 235 Yeas and 189 Nays. The federal bill now awaits a vote on the Senate floor before becoming law nationwide.

I can't think of a better way to feel recharged than to help make things better for others. We need your help to end race-based hair discrimination by signing the crown act.

Or send an email to your Senator, ensuring their support for the bill, once it comes to vote.

Here is a template for you to copy and paste:

As your constituent, I am asking for your swift action to make the CROWN Act law nationwide. We need your help to change the laws to end the racial injustice of discrimination against people because of their hair.

I support The CROWN Act legislation to end hair discrimination. This legislation ensures that traits historically associated with race, such as hair texture and hairstyle, are protected from discrimination in the workplace and in K-12 public and charter schools.

The CROWN Act was first introduced in California in January 2019 by Senator Holly Mitchell (District 30) and signed into law by Governor Newsom on July 3, 2019. To date, 16 additional states have signed The CROWN Act or legislation inspired by the CROWN Act into law (New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, Washington, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, New Mexico, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Illinois, Maine, Tennessee, and Louisiana). In addition, a total of 43 local municipalities and the US Virgin Islands have signed the CROWN Act to date.

On March 18, 2022, the federal CROWN Act bill passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 235 Yeas and 189 Nays. The federal bill now awaits a vote on the Senate floor before becoming law nationwide.

The time is now to end hair discrimination in all 50 states. Take action to pass the CROWN Act nationwide. Learn more on

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